Terms & Conditions

  1. Applicability, applicable law
    1.1. These general terms and conditions (hereinafter: „GTC“) apply to all contracts concluded via our
    onlineshop https://www.drinkuwu.com.
    1.2. The law oft he Federal Republic of Germany shall apply to the exclusion of the UN Convention
    on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods if
    a. the customer has his habitual residence in Germany, or
    b. the customer’s habitual residence is in a country that is not a member of the European
    1.3. In the event that the customer has his habitual residence in a member state of the European
    Union, the law of the Federal Republic of Germany shall also apply, whereby mandatory
    provisions of the state in which the customer has his habitual residence shall remain unaffected.
  1. Conclusion of contract
    2.1. The presentation of the products and offers in our online shop, in social media or videos does
    not yet constitute a legally binding offer, but merely an invitation to inform yourself about the
    products offered. The presentation of the products in our online shop does not guarantee that
    the products are available.
    2.2. An order can be placed without creating an user account. To place a binding offer, the customer
    must add the products or services to a virtual shopping cart and enter his or her personal delivery
    and payment data. Before submitting the binding offer, the customer hast he opportunity to
    correct order details and personal data. By clicking the „Buy now“ button, the customer places
    a binding order.
    2.3. After submitting the order, the customer receives an automatic order summary which does not
    yet represent the acceptance of the order by the seller. The contract is concluded only by an
    express acceptance by the seller or implied by the execution of the order.
    2.4. The prevailing contractual language is German. Any other language versions of our website or
    of these GTC shall only serve the understanding of a broader audience. The German version of
    these GTC shall be binding.
    2.5. The contractual provisions with details of the ordered goods or services, these GTC and the
    cancellation policy shall be sent to the customer by means of a link via email. There is no further
    storage of the contractual provisions by the seller.
    2.6. If the order exceeds customary quantities, the consent of the seller is required.
  1. Product presentation
    3.1. The price refers exclusively to the goods indicated in the description. Any other items that are
    displayed in pictures are for decoration or illustration purposes only and are not included in the
    price, unless otherwise stated in the text.
    3.2. The external design of the products may differ slightly from the products actually delivered.

  1. Payment and shipping conditions
    4.1. Unless otherwise stated in the seller’s product or service description, the prices quoted are gross
    prices which include the statutory value added tax. Any additional delivery and shipping costs
    will be indicated separately.
    4.2. Payment is due immediately after conclusion of the contract. Payment services available include
    PayPal, credit card, giropay and Sofortüberweisung. Furthermore, vouchers can be used as a
    means of payment.
  1. Retention of title
    5.1. The goods shall remain the property of the seller until full payment.
    5.2. If the customer falls behind with his/her payment more than 10 days after due date, UWU
    reserves the right to withdraw from the contract and to reclaim the goods.
  1. Widerrufsrecht
    6.1. As a customer (§ 13 German Civil Code) you have a right of withdrawal. Consumer means every
    natural person who enters into a legal transaction for purposes that predominantly are outside
    his trade, business or profession. For food products, the right of withdrawal only applies to
    unopened goods and goods that are not quickly perishable.
    6.2. You can find further information on the right of withdrawal in the document
    “Widerrufsbelehrung“ below.
    6.3. Please note that the customer has to cover the cost of reshipment.
  1. Warranty for goods
    7.1. The customer’s warranty rights shall be in accordance with the statutory provisions.
    7.2. The customer is requested to check the goods immediately upon delivery for completeness,
    obvious defects and transport damage and to notify the seller immediately of any complaints. If
    the customer does not comply with this, this does not affect the statutory warranty claims of
    the customer.
    7.3. For technical reaseons, a correspondence between the color of the products and the color
    displayed on the customer’s screen cannot be guaranteed. Minor color deviations that are
    customary in trade and are reasonable for the customer shall not constitute a defect. The same
    shall apply to deviations in dimensions and surface quality that are customary in trade and
    reasonable for the customer.
    7.4. Products are sold for ordinary use of the product category. The ordinary use of a beverage is
    consumption of the liquid. Slight transport damage to the packaging of the beverage, such as
    dents in the beverage cans, do not constitute a defect and therefore do not cause any warranty
    rights of the customer.
    7.5. If the seller detects that the returned goods are actually defective according to § 434 German
    Civil Code, the seller shall reimburse the customer for the costs of the reshipment, but not for
    the original delivery costs, as these would also have been incurred in case of a defect-free
  1. Liability and limitation period of warranty
    8.1. The seller is liable for intent and gross negligence. Further, the seller is liable for the negligent
    breach of obligations, whose fulfillment is essential to enable the ordinary implementation of
    the contract, whose breach jeopardizes the achievement of the purpose of the contract and on
    whose compliance you as a customer may rely on regularly. In the last-mentioned case, the seller
    is only liable for the foreseeable, typical contractual damage. The seller is not liable for slight
    negligent breach of other obligations than those mentioned in the above sentences.
    8.2. The abovementioned exclusions of liability do not apply in case of damage of life, body and
    health. The liability pursuant to the product liability law remains unaffected.
    8.3. The seller is not liable for constant and continuous availability of the online trading system.
    8.4. The customer shall not be entitled to terminate the contract due to a delay in delivery, provided
    that the delay occurred due to an unforeseeable, unavoidable and non-culpable event beyond
    the control of the parties and for which the seller is not responsible (for example, but not limited
    to, natural events, war, riots, strikes, natural disasters or embargoes)
  1. Data privacy
    Please refer to our privacy policy for information about the processing of personal data
  1. Online dispute resolution
    10.1. The EU Commission provides a platform for online dispute resolution under the following link:
    10.2. The seller is neither legally obligated nor willing to participate in the online dispute resolution

October 2023, Version 1.0